Common Mistakes of Cloud Migration that Must Avoid

For good reasons, you will want to migrate your data to the cloud as soon as possible to reap the benefits. It is a great thing to determine the way to improve your business efficiency and productivity. However, just like any other process, there are some mistakes you will want to avoid. If you don’t fix these mistakes, it can lead to the least things you will want to face in your business such as security breaches, financial waste, data failure, and many more. You might question if there’s a way to anticipate these mistakes. The answer is a big YES. Here are the mistakes that you can identify and prevent from breaking your company.
Conducting the cloud migration in one go
Not all businessmen or entrepreneurs know about this fact. But migrating your IT infrastructure at once is a big mistake.
For the first timers, it is pivotal to know that the expectation of full cloud migration can take months, or years to complete. The time taken for migrating can vary depending on how much data is stored in your company place.
The good quality cloud migration strategy is supposedly conducted in stages. Some cloud companies even give appropriate time estimations to finalize the process. You might question why can’t we move all the things in one phase.
Migrating crucial data to the cloud requires pivotal phases. There can be risks when moving critical data. It is better to make small mistakes and do them before everything goes completely messy.
Liken all the cloud environments
When it comes to cloud migration, it is a fatal mistake to assume that all the environments are the same. Many people make this big mistake. They assume that the new cloud environment is the same as the previous one. Well, it is not true at all. Every cloud provider has a unique cloud environment which is not exactly the same as the others from other cloud providers. They have different designs of how their cloud environments function and conduct all of the activities. It is important not to blatantly move to a new environment without researching them first.
Having a biased purpose
Many business owners did this. They migrate all the data and workflows without a straight purpose. If you are still in the middle of finding your absolute purpose, you should stop right there. You shouldn’t conduct cloud migration for a biased purpose. Just because you have the leverage to move your assets to the cloud environment, it does not mean that you can reap the true benefits if you still look for the purpose. You should have a sensible reason to do this. You must evaluate all of the aspects thoroughly before proceeding. Only by then, you can determine whether it is worth your money, time, and effort to conduct the migration.
Not researching the cloud platform in advance
If you have been around with your organization or business, you surely know that migrating should be done in order to bring a lot of perks to your business. However, it won’t procure a good outcome if you rush the thing. In the end, you will spend more money than you need. You’d rather research what your IT infrastructure needs the most. While you do that, you will also want to identify a suitable cloud service provider to conduct the activity. It is important to see how the migration will bring benefits to your infrastructure overall.
Migrating all the things to the cloud
Moving all the things in your current database to the cloud might not be the best option for your company. If you are managing your food chain restaurant business, you might notice that some of the apps are impossible to move for security reasons. Not to mention that you need to consider that the cloud platform might not be suitable for all of your apps. It is important to evaluate and research the scenarios and possibilities if you don’t want to lose more money in the future.
Overlooking the compatibility matters
It is crucial to comprehend the current architecture of your existing apps. When you are about to migrate them to a new cloud environment, you will want to see if there is a need for reconfiguring or customizations to make the apps work. Don’t miss this step if you don’t want to waste your time and money in the end.
Leave the data and apps in default
As I mentioned before, you cannot expect that all the cloud environments are the same. Therefore, you cannot expect that you can use all of the apps in the new environments. The different cloud environments might require different types of files and specific configurations to make them work well. You might need to reconfigure the data so that it can work inside the new cloud environment.
Not planning the costs and expenses
It is also one of the biggest mistakes when it comes to cloud migration. Many business owners did not project the cost of overall cloud migration. You cannot expect that the cost is just the same as you are using the hosting service. Cloud migration, because of the complexity and other factors, can be a lot heftier service. There’s a risk of errors and other problems during the migration stage, and you might need to spend more money to fix the problem. You will need to project all of the possible costs of moving the data in a safe and appropriate manner. The rough estimation before the proceeding can help you a lot with your bankroll.
Neglecting the security
Alright, it sounds a bit cliche since all business owners want to take precautions for all activities. But also because of the same reason, many of them assume that the cloud environment is already safe. On the contrary, if you don’t have a strong SLA – Service Level Agreement, safety could be your issue. It is wise not to assume that the new cloud environment is completely secure. Although the provider can guarantee the safety of your data, you are also the responsible party to protect it. Therefore, it is good to know that you are also responsible for cloud security.